Privacy Statement


The information is sought pursuant to 22 U.S.C. §2581 (General Authority of Secretary of State); 22 U.S.C. §2651a Organization of Department of State; OMB M-10-06, Open Government Directive, December 8, 2009; 31 U.S.C. § 901-902 (Agency Chief Financial Officers); and Presidential Memorandum to the Heads of the Executive Department and Agencies for Transparency and Open Government, January 21, 2009.


The information collected and maintained within this application will be used to support an individual’s participation in online bidding for a Post’s auction sale of excess goods.

Routine Use

The information on this website will not be shared with any parties external to the Department of State. More information on the Routine Uses for the system can be found in System of Records Notice, State-79, Digital Communications and Outreach.


Providing this information is voluntary. Failure to provide the information requested will result in the individual’s inability to participate in a Post’s auction.

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