How it works

How it works

How it works

The U.S. Embassy in Doha, Qatar is selling surplus property via a Web Based Electronic Auction.

Auctions will be activated on the website: for a period of time clearly stating the start and end date. This information will also be available on the information panel of the web application.

Typically, an auction will be active from Saturday to Thursday for 3-7 days. During this period you can actively take part and submit your bid for the surplus property. Maximum number of bids on an item is stated on each item. Increasing your bids is possible only in the local currency . During the auction you should monitor your bids so you can react on all bids price development. 

Email for winners will consist of a link to the auction application where you can review and pay for your items, after successful login. Winners will have 36 hours to pay for the items through, if payment has not been made within 36 hours the lot will be sold to the next highest bidder.

Please remember the following conditions for the sale:

(a)  Property is sold on an as-is basis without refund or warranty;

(b)  The U.S. Government reserves the right to reject any bid that is considered not to be commensurate with the value of the property;

(c)  In the event of a dispute as to the amount of the bid, the item, or item number, the U.S. Government reserves the right to re-offer the property to the next highest bidder;

(d)  Payment via shall be made within 36 hours from the notification that the bidder has won the lot;

(e)  The time period for removal of the property after purchase is made is 36 hours, after which the US Government reserves the right to dispose of the item(s);

(f)  All arrangements and cost necessary to effect removal of the property are the responsibility of the purchaser.

How to pay for your items

The U.S. Embassy in Doha is using www.Pay.Gov exclusively for payments for online auctions. Please use the guide below or email our team at to receive a video with instructions on how to submit payment.

For payment fill in the following:

In the item "Message for recipient" fill in word "Auction" and lot numbers you're paying for.
In the item "Variable symbol" fill in your Unique Identification Number (UID) which can be found at "Winners info" auction website section.
In the item "Amount" fill in the total amount in the local currency of your bid(s).

In the case you have bid and won more than one item you can pay the total amount due of all items in one payment but all lot items must be identified as described in item 1 above. Items can be retrieved only when successful payment has been received. Please share with us your digital (or printed) receipt.

Log into the website at and locate the form by following the steps below:Click on the “by Agency Name” search feature in the “Find Public Forms” section.

  1. Click on the “S” in the search index:
  2. Click the State (DOS): GFS Bangkok link:
  3. Click on the “Overseas Cashier Payments – CGFS Bangkok posts” link:
  4. Click Continue to the Form
  5. The form for inputting payments to the Class B Cashier:
  6. Input personal information and specify the Embassy or Consulate to which the payment is owed:
  7. Select the reason for payment "Online Auction":
  8. Input the dollar amount of the payment and click “Continue,” to proceed to the screen for inputting ACH or credit card information.
  9. The fields for inputting ACH information are shown below:
  10. The fields for inputting credit card information are shown below:
  11. Click “Continue with ACH Payment” or “Continue with Plastic Card Payment” to proceed to a screen for reviewing, authorizing and submitting the payment:
  12. Select to print a copy of the receipt that contains payment amount, payment owed to and reason for payment information.

How to pick-up your items

In order to retrieve your items, you must present the original receipt from with all required details included in the payment paragraph above.

Any paid items that are not picked up during the scheduled time frame will be disposed of, and there will be no possibility for their retrieval. In special cases or circumstances, you may arrange a different pick-up date and time by contacting .

After successful confirmation of payment for your items, our staff will move your items out to the front or rear gate of the US Embassy for pickup. From that time on, you are the owner of your merchandise. You will have the full responsibility for subsequent handling procedures and removal from Embassy property in a timely manner. If items are not removed in a timely manner they may be considered abandoned and disposed of.