How it works

How it works

How it works

How it works

The U.S. Embassy Bamako is selling surplus movable property (SMP) via a Web Based Electronic Auction. Each auction will be activated for a period of time clearly stating the start and end date. This information is available on the information panel of the web application. Usually it will be active from Monday to Friday lasting two weeks. During this period you can actively take part and submit your bid for the surplus property. 

Maximum number of bids on one item is stated at each item. Increasing your bids is possible only in the local currency name. During the auction you should monitor your bids so you can react on all bids price development. 

Email for winners will consist link to the auction application where you can review your items, after successful login. 

How to pay for your items

The winning bidders are required to pay cash in CFA only at the U.S. Embassy in Bamako.

From 10/29/2024 

TO 10/30/2024

How to pick-up your items

Items must be picked up in person at the US Embassy in Bamako

from 10/29,30 until 11/01/2024 BEFORE 09:30 AM (FRIDAY)